16 October 2018

Complaints to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) have continued to rise to 167,831 in 2017-18, with NBN complaints increasing by at least a further 53 per cent.

Despite the number of complaints trending downwards in the last quarter of 2017-18, the overall number of complaints still remains too high.

Whilst this shift in trend is welcome there is still much to do, Ms Rowland said.

Consumer interactions remain too complex and poor customer service continues to leave many in the community wondering where the buck stops.

As far as Labor is concerned there is no room for complacency. NBNCo and retail providers need to maintain a concerted effort to deliver sustained improvements.

In 2017-18 the TIO has recorded 167,831 complaints. Thats more than four times the number of complaints to the Financial Services Ombudsman, Mr Jones said.

Clearly consumers and small business expect improvements.

NBNCo and retail providers have taken positive steps to improve wholesale pricing and migration processes and that is something to build on going forward.

Labor also believes small business should have stronger protections to ensure problems are fixed.

This is why Labor has announced it will establish an NBN Service Guarantee, building on recent steps by the ACCC, to improve accountability and better safeguard consumers and small businesses from poor outcomes such as excessive downtime.