09 October 2017

The Turnbull Government must make delivering on jobs and investment a priority in central Queensland.

Visiting the region this week, the message has been clear. People want to see the Turnbull Government make good on their Regional Jobs and Investment Packages (RJIP), without delay.

Locals on the ground are desperate to see money start to flow. Sadly the two key Ministers, Senator Fiona Nash and Barnaby Joyce, are distracted by their dual-citizenship issues. There are real concerns that their ineligibility could also invalidate decisions made by these Ministers in their portfolios.

Labor believes this is causing delays in the program.

I have written to the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and called on him to stand aside the Minister for Regional Development, Senator Fiona Nash, until the High Court makes its determination.

Senator Nash is responsible for more than $1.7 billion of Federal Government grants and investment packages including the $30 million Bowen Basin Regional Jobs and Investment Package.

A $30 million package which the Turnbull Government has made big noise about in Central Queensland but now, all to happy to put under a cloud of uncertainty.

People in the regions are fed up. They just want to see some action from a Government that has promised big but delivered little.

There can be no delay. The Government must ensure confidence in the validly of these projects.

Its high time the Prime Minister acts to resolve this issue. This is far too important to leave to chance.